Roller code receiver with a programmable channel with monostable operation logic.
- 433.92 plug-in roller code receiver with internal memory for 30 users.
- Self-learning of transmitters via radio.

LRRE1 plug-in radio receiver
The LRRE1 plug-in radio receiver is designed to receive and decode the radio transmitter signals used in motorised door and gate facilities.
It must be inserted into the radio connector (B) of a control board or test panel to work properly. This receiver operates at 433MHz and is valid for IRIS emitters (IR02 2-channel or IR04, 4-channel) and LIRA (2-channel).
Technical characteristics
- Roller code receiver.
- A programmable channel with monostable logic.
- Memory full signalling.
- Self-learning management of transmitters via radio.
- Replacement transmitter management
- Power: 12 Vdc.
- Dimensions (mm): 55 (W) x 33 (H) x 9 (D).
Technical manual
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