Ceiling hoists and harnesses for hospitals

We are well aware of the strict requirements in the health sector. We have worked for more than 20 years on ceiling hoists and harnesses for hospitals.
New requirements, new solutions.
In addition to the most common transfers, in a hospital other, more specific demands usually arise that are related to the environment, such as transfers from a chair to a testing couch such as a scanner or an operating table.
Furthermore, several studies have shown that in the field of healthcare, professionals who provide direct care in hospitals experience these needs to transfer patients as a crucial as well as very demanding activity.
Investment analysis and approach.
At Erreka, together with your professionals, we can make a global analysis of the transfer requirements, preparing an investment approach according to the priorities detected.
Training/Erreka leva training
Under the Erreka-leva-training programme, we can offer courses on safe, efficient and comfortable transfers. Contact Erreka for more information.