Vivo-M101,M201 Control board
230Vac universal electric control boards in variants of 1 (m101) or 2 (m201) motors.
- Allows installation of any type of door as long as it has an AC motor.

Analogue control board for swing doors
230V analogue control board for swing gates with output for 12Vdc electrolock.
Technical characteristics
- Adjustment and programming via potentiometer and DIP switch.
- 12Vdc electrolock output.
- Connector for IRRE2/IRRE2-250 or RSD radio receiver.
- Start and pedestrian start via radio.
- Output for garage/courtesy light with adjustable time.
- Soft stop for leaves in the opening and closing phase, to prevent noisy opening and closing and rebounds.
- Exterior closing safety and interior opening safety input.
- Allows direct connection of 230Vac signalling light.
- Dead man function.
- Soft stop option.
Technical manual
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