VIVO-D103 Control board
24Vdc analogue control panel with limit switch for up-and-over and sectional doors.
- Allows the type of IZAR range DC motor to be selected by jumper.

Control board for up-an-over doors
230V analogue control board for up-and-over doors with 24Vdc motors with limit switch.
Technical characteristics
- Adjustment and programming by potentiometer and independent DIP switch for each turn.
- Obstacle detection function with amperometric sensor with programmable threshold.
- Connector for IRRE2/IRRE2-250 radio receiver.
- Connector for traffic light management card.
- Voltage-free signalling light output.
- Input for emergency battery (12V).
- Photocell shadow in closing function.
- Soft start and stop for leaves in the opening and closing phase to prevent noisy opening and closing and rebounds.
- Control board on/off switch.
Product datasheet
Technical manual
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