The IRIN2S-250 independent radio receiver is designed to receive and decode the radio transmitter signals used in motorised door and gate facilities.
- External standalone receiver.
- Option to choose frequency between 433.92 and 868.35.
- Fixed code and roller code operation
- Two channels.
- Option to use the two channels.
- independently.
- Monostable, bistable or timer operation.
- Programmable receiver with IRPROGM and IRTAGPROG programming console.

IRIN2S-250 Standalone receiver
Standalone receiver with 2 programmable channels with monostable, bistable or timer operation logic.
This receiver can work at 433.92 or 868.35MHz (in accordance with the RSD module installed) and can be used with Trinary
Fixed Code or Roller Code transmitters (in accordance with the position of J1).
Technical characteristics
- Frequency: 433.92- 868.35.
- Coding: Fixed code and roller code.
- Power: 12-24Vac /10-36Vdc.
- Absorption in standby: 32mA-24Vdc.
- Maximum absorption with active relay: 70Ma-24Vdc.
- Channels: 2 relays with NA and NC contacts, without power.
- Logical operation: Monostable-bistable-timer (1 to 254s).
- Memory capacity: Fixed code: 1 (Upgradable up to 243 in community mode). Roller code: 250 (Upgradable up to 1000 with MEMO1000).
- Sensitivity: >-107dBm.
- Operation temperature: -20/+60ºC.
- Dimensions (mm): 105(W) x 105(h) x 35 (D).
- Memory full signalling (Roller code).
- Self-learning management of radio transmitters (Roller code).
- Replacement transmitter management (roller code).
Technical manual
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