BAT S12 digital programmer

Digital door switch for swing doors.


  • Digital selector with built-in tamperproof locking key.
  • Protective front cover.
  • Option to choose 5 different working modes.
More information
ERREKA´s BAT S12 digital programmer product Image

Digital programmer for swing doors

The BAT-S12 digital programmer is the essential tool for installers to set up automatic operation of the door and complete the configuration and function/adjustment of operation parameters, in order to carry out system diagnostics and access the events memory
with information about the automatic opener and its operation. Access to the programming menu is protected by a technical security password, thus ensuring only specialised, authorised personnel can carry out operations on the automatic opener.

Technical characteristics

  • The digital selector consists of 5 pushbuttons to choose error modes and settings, and a display showing all the functions.
  • This screen is usually in power-saving mode until a pushbutton is activated, and the light shines more brightly so the contents are displayed better.
  • The different ways of working are: Door open, Door closed, automatic bidirectional, exit only, entry only, partial automatic/winter mode and manual mode.


Other downloads

  • Spare parts list BAT S12

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